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R&R Focus: How To Build The Perfect Business Book Library

Most people who know me well know that I am a book junkie. I LOVE all types of books, but these days I've been especially attracted to business books or any book that has the potential to help me achieve some of the career goals that I've set for myself. I've always been the type of person to do heavy research on something before I dive in, and I love to have resources at my fingertips for whenever I have a question. Needless to say, I'm getting to the point where I'm building a pretty extensive business book library that's specifically tailored to my dreams and goals. Here are a few of my favorite selections along with some tips on how to build your own library according to your career blueprint. Build it right and it can navigate you through to your dream career! Tips On Creating Your Own B-Book Library

1. First, make sure you look for books that are specific to your career goals. A book doesn't necessarily have to be marketed as a "business book" to be a book you can learn from for your business. Don't know what your goals are? Check out some books on careers you'd like to try or dream of doing. They could be your first steps to the career you've always wanted!

2.Lots of books have previews on or other bookseller sites. Make sure you review the book before you buy it so that you know that it has information that you can use. I know that sounds elementary, but there's lots of people out here that are playing into the business book market that are actually just try to sell the latest get rich quick scheme.

3. Don't get the latest cult craze business book just because everyone has it. If it doesn't help to elevate you to your destined career, it doesn't belong in your library.

Sacred Pampering Principles by Debrena Jackson Gandy

This isn't necessarily a business book in the traditional sense, but it's the book that inspired me to pursue my life long dream of being a writer. Learning how to manage the stress of being successful is one big key to staying successful and this book is full of tips on how to keep your sanity and take good care of your most important employee-you!

The Renegade Writer: A Totally Unconventional Guide to Freelance Writing Success by Linda Formichelli and Diana Burrell

This is a great introductory book to the world of freelance writing. It really helped me to figure out whether or not I wanted to pursue freelance writing at all. Although I'm still pretty new to the business, this book helped me to break the ice.

Networking for People Who Hate Networking: A Field Guide for Introverts, the Overwhelmed, and the Underconnected by Devora Zack

It's refreshing to know that there's help for people like me who aren't too keen on the idea of networking but realize the importance of mastering these skills. Written by an introvert for introverts, this book breaks down the traditional rules of networking and then gives new rules that are introvert friendly.

ProBlogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income by Darren Rowse and Chris Garrett

Just like Renegade Writer helped me to start navigating the freelance writing world, ProBlogger helped me to start creating Reasons And Roses. It's a great crash course on blogging, from monetizing to generating post ideas and marketing.

These books are next on my reading list:

Purple Cow, New Edition: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable by Seth Godin Every business, big or small, needs something that sets it apart from its competitors. This book promises to reveal the secrets to creating your own "purple cow" element within your business. Without a clearly defined brand with an "it" factor, most businesses fall into the abyss of being mediocre. Branding is something that I think business owners constantly work on and I hope this book can help me hone mine.

Girl, Get Your Money Straight: A Sister's Guide to Healing Your Bank Account and Funding Your Dreams in 7 Simple Steps by Glinda Bridgforth The saying goes "If you can't handle a little, then you won't be trusted with a lot". Getting your personal finances in order is one of the first steps to preparing yourself to manage the financial side of a business. This book starts off with a little counseling to explain some of the emotional triggers that money can set off with tips on how to control them before it delves into the hard core business of "Getting The Money Straight". And money straightening is something we all could probably use...that and willpower to stay out of DSW!

The Trump Card: Playing To Win In Work And Life by Ivanka Trump Ivanka Trump seems like she is just as brilliant as she is beautiful. Even though she was born into money, I admire her for making a lane of her own instead of doing what so many heiresses are doing these days: using looks,the power of their name and a lame excuse to be famous to get ahead. Trump takes the extra step to write a book that shares some of the lessons that she's learned by being surrounded by an extremely successful business minded family all of her life.
