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R&R Sophisticate: Tools To Create Your Signature Look-Part 3: Your Glam Team

Photo by Parker Michael Knight

When I was younger, I used to think that celebrities woke up in the morning looking as fabulous as they usually do. I guess I assumed that they had some sort of magic pillow that kept every hair in place during their slumber and a fairy godmother that waved a wand over their perfectly beat faces( that's makeup artist speak for well done makeup). It wasn't until I started falling in love with magazines in my teens that I realized how much goes into creating the brand that a celebrity must exude every time they step into the view of the public eye. Article after article would describe how faces have makeup airbrushed on, bodies are nipped and tucked, and hair is shipped from the far corners of the world to make a pop star or or a movie starlet look like the goddess fantasy that we expect to see.

It's a well known fact that most celebrities hold their glam teams, that's hair stylists, make up artists, wardrobe stylists, and other appearance grooming professionals, in equal esteem with their publicists and even managers. These people have the type of magic that turns a regular girl next door into a sexy, yet sophisticated screen siren or a stately and statuesque diva icon. With the right people on your side, you can assemble your own glam team to assist you in creating and maintaining your unique look. I asked Monica Barnett, image consultant and creator of Blueprint for Style, about who she thinks should be a first round pick on any girl's glam team: 1. Image Consultant or Personal Stylist

Don't think you can afford a personal stylist? Odds are that you already have one. We all have that friend, sister, or cousin that we love to go shopping with because she always knows what's going to look great on you while she steers you clear of what won't look so hot on you. Ask for her expertise on what direction she thinks your style should go. Let her put the final touches on an outfit that you love. She'll be more than happy to put her style radar to work for you. Think you want to try a professional image consultant? Check out the Association of Image Consultants International's extensive list of recommended stylists to make sure you get more for your dollar.

2. Makeup Artist

Yep, it's likely that you have one of these among your crew too. You know that friend that seems to always have her makeup on point? Ask her for a few tips and maybe she'll even give you a short lesson or two. MAC, BeneFit, and many other counter makeup retailers will give you a makeup application session if you buy a few products from them afterward. It's worth it if you'll come away with stuff that you know how to use and that you know works for you.

3. Hair Stylist

I added this one because of course the hair must be done to complete any look, but your hairstyle need not be a masterpiece of artistry all the time. Try to choose a stylist that emphasizes healthy hair practices over fads and fashion. Ask their opinion of how you can achieve a style that's flattering while being easy to upkeep and simple enough to dress up or dress down depending on the occasion. Also, make sure you ask for product recommendations that work with your hair. I'm a product junkie and I love to try new things, but many times less is more especially when it comes to hair.

These three style pros will become your BFFs in your journey to discover your most stylish you. Am I missing someone? Who would you add?
