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REPOST: 4 Lessons I've Learned As An Introverted Black Girl *NOW ON*

Photo from Madame Noire It has been a long year. I'm in my last semester of grad school, so I'm hoping I'll be able to get back to regular blogging soon. As you can probably tell, I've changed up my blog to reflect the new aspect my career will have when I enter the field of librarianship. I'm planning on doing more book reviews, author interviews, and posts about social issues that revolve around books. I'm calling this a "literary lifestyle" blog since I also want to cover beauty, style, fitness, and other things that make for a well rounded life.

In the meantime while I keep tinkering with the back end of the site to bring it more in line with the new direction, here's an oldie but goodie. A post I wrote back in 2012, 4 Lessons I've Learned As An Introverted Black Girl was published on in August. If you haven't already, check out for great articles that are all about uplifting and celebrating black women.

That's all for now. See you soon!