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7 Business Books For Creative Black Women

Creative Business Books

I've been hooked on Periscope for a while now, and one of my favorite things about this new social media platform is its ability to connect me with experts who are at the top of their fields. I learn so much whenever that whistle goes off and I slide to the left on my phone! Watching 'scopes from experts like International Natural Hair Meetup Day founder Adeea Rodgers, fashion blogger and blog coach Kim Postell, and social media maven Chisa Pennix-Brown inspires me to keep working hard to build my brand as a writer, publisher, and multimedia content creator. What draws me to the professionals that I listen to on Periscope is that their approach to business is very inclusive and uplifting, especially for a creative like me. Many times, creatives may get energized by the idea of crafting their own career out of their passions, but things like hashing out financials and business structures can be intimidating and may even cause some of us to abandon the idea of running our own purpose based businesses. This list of business books was inspired by some of the great nuggets that I've heard on Periscope over these past few months. Read a few and if you don't have a Periscope account, get one're missing out on life!

And yes, I  scope too! Follow @nicholeonichols on Periscope and join me on every Wednesday at 8:30pm for #WritingTipWednesdays!


The Art of Non-Conformity: Set Your Own Rules, Live the Life You Want, and Change the World by Chris Guillebeau

This one was recommended by Adeea Rogers, also known as the "Purpose Pusher" on Periscope. If you think you're in a rut in your career, or you are questioning whether you should take a leap of faith and start that new project/book that trip/write that book, you should pick this one up. I'm looking forward to reading what Guillebeau's takes are on some of the things that many of us take for granted, like home ownership, college, and traditional employment. Guillebeau explains that these things don't have to manifest for you in the way that they traditionally have for other people if the traditional way doesn't fit into your vision for your life.


The 90 Day Focus: Your Action Plan For Success by Chisa D. Pennix-Brown

Of course, I had to include a book by one of my favorite scopers! I've attended Chisa's classes and met with her one-on-one for her priceless business advice, so I'd expect this book to be full of everything someone needs to finally move dreams from the mind to reality. The framework of her plan-take 90 minutes a day for 90 days to work on your business/passion-sounds simple enough that even the most apprehensive person can find time to take action on their goals.



Sacred Pampering Principles: An African-American Woman's Guide to Self-care and Inner Renewal by Debrena Jackson Gandy

I'll never stop recommending this book. As I've said a previous post, this is the book that caused me to apply to journalism school as a step toward creating the career and life I've always wanted. Running a business can be very stressful, and this book gives you the tools to take care of yourself in the process of making your dreams real.


Become Your Own Boss in 12 Months: A Month-by-Month Guide to a Business that Works by Melinda F. Emerson

I love checklists and step-by-step plans. If you're like me, you may like this book. Through this book, Emerson lays  out what new entrepreneurs should do each month over the course of a year to get their business off the ground. Each chapter ends with an action list of steps, which makes the process of starting a business much less overwhelming than it can be when there is no direction. She's even updated this edition to include a chapter on crowdfunding ( raising money through websites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo) for business capital.

NewOrderDeclutteringFor Creative People

New Order: A Decluttering Handbook for Creative Folks (and Everyone Else) by Fay Wolf

In one of Adeea's scopes from the weekend, she talks about making room for the overflow, or what is about to come into your life once you decide to take action on your purpose and passion. For many, including me, this starts with physically getting rid of anything that no longer servers a purpose in life that is just taking up space. This book helps creatives to get rid of both digital and physical clutter to make room for more experiences and relationships that will be the key to a successful business.


The Right-Brian Business Plan by Jennifer Lee

For many creatives, business plan writing is a killjoy from the start. The traditional way that business plans are written is the antithesis of creativity, but Lee's method of business plan writing includes lots of color and vision boards. It even tackles the dreaded financial section in a creative, non-threatening way with out a lot of finance jargon. I consider this one of my entrepreneurial journey textbooks.


Building Your Business The Right Brain Way by Jennifer Lee

This is somewhat of a sequel to The Right Brain Business plan that shows creatives how to attract their target audience, create a spectacular launch for their businesses, and market their businesses in a way that will promote continued growth. There's lots of worksheets to help you plan, but the book works hand in hand with The Right Brain Business plan, and many of the worksheets are carry overs from that book. I recommend getting both books if you are just starting out, and if you've been established for a little while, just get this one.

What are your favorite business books for creatives?